$883,393 Invested & 46 Investors.
Factom Inc. is currently funding on BnkToTheFuture.
“Factom – the easiest way for governments and companies to take advantage of the Blockchain”
Featured News
Factom Inc. believes that the Bank of America Robo-Signing scandal, the Sony document leaks and the developing world land registry problems could all be solved with the Blockchain – the technology behind Bitcoin, and major banks have started to agree with them.
Factom Inc. won a contract recently with the Honduran government to store the country’s land title deeds on a Blockchain. Factom has also landed pilot projects with major banks and have established partnerships within the bitcoin ecosystem.
They are now securing funding for their ‘for-profit’ entity – Factom Inc., to help them with the goal of bringing the Blockchain to enterprise companies & governments all around the world.
- A strong team with track record in the Blockchain Bitcoin space.
- Investment from Bitcoin Capital, fund managed by Co-Founder and CEO of BnkToTheFuture – Simon Dixon and early Bitcoin Investor – Max Keiser
- Early traction for the core technology: Over $500,000 of software licenses (Factoids) sold that access the open source Factom Network via the Factom Foundation.
- Secured a government contract for land registry on the blockchain, first ever in the world.
- Operating in a sector that all the major banks are looking to partner in.
If you are interested in Factom then check out the Pitch here.
Other BnkToTheFuture News
Bitcoin Capital:
Bitcoin Capital opened their second tranche for investors raising up to $5m. Check it out here.
Congratulations To Shapeshift:
Congratulations to Shapeshift who raised over $1.8m through BnkToTheFuture and is still in OverFunding here.
New Feature:
We launched our new nominee service offering investors additional protection when investing in companies through our platform and businesses only need to deal with one shareholder whilst allowing your investment companies to scale faster with less administration.
Two New Records:
Two new records were broken last week since we re-launched our platform, over $4m was invested through the platform in one month and StartCOIN holdings was fully overfunding in 24 hours as our investor community continues to grow.
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