Bonus Offers for Bnk To The Future Series B Investors
To All Our Investors,
Special Investor Notice:
As one of our investors, we would like to offer you an exclusive opportunity to be a shareholder, token holder and build a Bitcoin centred retirement plan with us now.
We are making this offer as we want you to join us to bring BnkToTheFuture to the masses this year.
We built the largest community of qualifying investors that have invested over $850,000,000 in the equity and securities of the largest companies in crypto, including Kraken, BitFinex, Bitstamp, Robinhood, Coinbase, Blockchain dot com, Circle, Ripple Labs, Celsius Network, Securitize and many others.
We now plan to build the most comprehensive retirement plan product for the masses who want to gain exposure to the growth of the Bitcoin and crypto sector, which is done in a tax-efficient way and can be inherited by multiple generations.
We want to do this not just reserved for qualifying high net worth investors, but for the masses too.
For this reason, we have set a goal to add 500 new shareholders to our parent company that want to join us on this journey.
We want to make you a one-time, no-brainer offer to join us on this journey.
By investing in the equity of our parent company – BF Global, not only do you get equity that gives you exposure to the growth of BnkToTheFuture and it’s 10 years of accumulating assets held under the BF Global group, but we will be giving all investors multiple bonuses to align our interests with our investors as we plan to open up BnkToTheFuture to the masses in the years ahead.

- BnkToTheFuture Tokens. We want every shareholder in our company to also hold our token as we plan to build its network effect in the years to come. In our roadmap, we aim to launch investment products for the masses, rather than just reserved for rich and sophisticated investors like the way we are restricted to today.
- $1,000 off our upcoming ‘Retirement Plan B’ online coaching program. ‘Retirement Plan B’ is our future product suite that starts with our online coaching program launching later this year 2020. This program is designed for investors that want to build a retirement plan centred around Bitcoin that is held in a tax-efficient way with a structure that is super optimised for inheritance planning. It allows you to benefit from the growth of Bitcoin, DeFi, Crypto income and a diversified equity portfolio of the fastest-growing companies in the Bitcoin and Crypto market. This online coaching program is priced at $2,997 (with special exclusive offer at $1,997 for BF Series ‘B’ Shareholders only).
- In the future, the ability to use your BF Global SPV shares to secure a margin loan which can be used to trade Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies. We are working with a Partner to give you the ability to secure a margin loan using your BF Global SPV shares for trading Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies in 2021. This is currently subject to legal and product review. If we get this product to market next year you will be able to benefit from the margin loans when holding BF Global equity, making this long term holding more valuable to investors. *T&C’s apply.
- Secondary market to buy and sell BF Global. After the required one year lock-in period, we will release a secondary market for those that want to buy and sell shares in the BF Global SPV. We cannot guarantee liquidity, but we do believe our 2020 / 2021 roadmap will drive much more liquidity to those that want to buy and sell private equity through our special SPV structure. *US investors can only sell in the BF secondary market. *T&Cs apply.
So, for our investors, we believe this is a no-brainer deal for those that want to benefit from any growth we achieve in the years ahead.
For further details and to make a purchase click here.
Watch the recording of the latest BF Live episode to learn more about the Retirement Plan ‘B’ online coaching program and the bonus offers for BF Series ‘B’ investors. We also announced some big-name experts who will be delivering bonus materials for Retirement Plan ‘B’ clients.
Click here to watch BF live now!
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See if you qualify to invest by registering here now.