Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live Ep. 37 | Scariest Moments In Crypto – Halloween Special
This week is HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder ofBnkToTheFuture) went live and discussed some of the scariest moments in crypto. Simon also answered questions from the live chat.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF)Live Ep. 36 | Live from the Crypto Valley with Simon Dixon, talking Security Tokens
This week on BnkToTheFuture Live (BFLive) Ep. 36 – Simon Dixon (CEO ofBnkToTheFuture) joined us live from the Crypto Valley, Switzerland. Simon was on the stage discussing the history of security tokens.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live E35 | Loyyal – Emirates Airlines Blockchain Loyalty program partner
This week on BF Live Episode 35, Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture) was live with Gregory Simon from Loyyal to discuss Loyyal – The team that got Emirates Airlines to launch its loyalty program on Blockchain. Simon and Greg also answered questions from the live chat.
We go live once a week on our YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe to our YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live. Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live E34 | The First-Ever Gold & Bitcoin Exchange Live on BnkToTheFuture
This week on BF Live Episode 34, Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder ofBnkToTheFuture) was live with Joshua Scigala and Philip Scigala to discuss the First European Regulated Gold & Bitcoin exchange. They also answered questions from the community.
Dapix, Inc Building the FIO Blockchain Usability Standard is now LIVE on BnkToTheFuture’s online investment platform: Click here to view the pitch.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live Ep. 33 | Making Blockchain Easy For The Masses with David Gold of FIO & Simon Dixon
This week on BF Live Episode 33, Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder ofBnkToTheFuture) was live with David Gold to discuss the FIO Protocol & how it makes blockchain easy and accessible to the masses. They also answered questions from the community.
Dapix, Inc Building the FIO Blockchain Usability Standard is now LIVE on BnkToTheFuture’s online investment platform: Click here to view the pitch.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live Ep. 32 | Special Interview & AMA with Kim Dotcom on
This week on BF Live Episode 32, Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture) will be live with Kim Dotcom and Emmanuel Gadaix from Bitcache ( to answer questions from the community.
Watch the video to learn more about the project in just 1 hour.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture (BF) Live Ep. 31 | 30 Episodes of BFLive in 1 | AMA with Simon Dixon
This week on BF Live Episode 31, Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture) went live & answered a lot of questions. He also gave us a recap of what has been discussed in all the previous 30 Episodes of BF Live.
Watch the video to learn about the previous 30 Episodes in just 1 hour.
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe to our YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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BnkToTheFuture makes Strategic Investment in Diacle, to Boost Security Token Adoption.
We are excited to announce BnkToTheFuture’s Strategic Investment In Diacle, A UK FCA Appointed Representative Blockchain Consultancy, To Boost Security Token Adoption.
We are glad to share more about our Strategic Investment in Diacle. Through this investment, we aim to reach a wider pool of investors and launch new Security Token corporate finance advisory services.
With your constant support & trust, we have been able to build a community of 87,000+ Professional Qualified Investors from all over the world who have invested over $775m in funding rounds listed on our Online Investment Platform. We proudly hold equity in Coinbase, Circle,, Kraken, BitStamp, BitFinex, ShapeShift, BitPay, Ripple Labs and over 100 others.
“In 2010 we started our mission to allow investors to buy equity in companies building the future of finance. We provided an opportunity for our community to invest online in a handful of unicorns and cryptocurrency exchanges. We see a similar trend with security tokens and together with Diacle, we have built the infrastructure to allow for compliant security token offerings. Our investment in Diacle was designed to align our interests so we can drive the sector forward faster with two proven teams that have track records of bringing crypto-based security offerings to market.” – Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-Founder of BnkToTheFuture).
Diacle has been advising and developing many firsts in the cryptocurrency sector including:
Structuring the first regulated token sale with Cardano in 2015, raising $50m.
Obtaining the first and only licence for a crypto-based lottery in the Isle of Man for Quanta.
Obtaining the first Payment Licence for a crypto business in the UK for Bitpesa.
Securing the first crypto derivatives licence for Crypto-Facilities which was sold to Krakenfor $100m.
“We are really excited to work with BnkToTheFuture as a strategic investor to build the next wave of disruption coming to capital markets. Diacle has been helping crypto & blockchain projects with licensing, compliance and financing since 2013 and look forward to working with BnkToTheFuture much more closely to bring token-based corporate finance to a much deeper pool of investors as the industry grows.” – John Thompson CEO of Diacle Limited.
We will now work together with Diacle more closely for on-boarding UK and EU investors that wish to invest in the equity and securities tokens of crypto and FinTech companies, as well as provide corporate finance advisory services for security token offerings (STO) to a deeper pool of qualifying investors.
Founded in 2013 and working solely with blockchain-powered companies,Diacleknows what it takes to carry out a compliant ICO or Security Token Offering (STO). Diacle consists of a team of regulatory experts to help navigate the intricacies of token finance – from corporate structuring to licensing, to token modelling and tax law. Diacle Limited is an appointed representative of Met Facilities LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
BF Live Ep. 30 with Simon Dixon, John Thompson & Adam Vaziri
BnkToTheFuture Invests in Diacle, A UK FCA Appointed Representative Blockchain Consultancy.
This week on BF Live – Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture) was joined by John Thompson & Adam Vaziri of Diacle.
They discussed BF’s strategic investment in Diacle, a UK FCA Appointed Representative Blockchain Consultancy, To Boost Security Token Adoption. Followed by a live Q/A session.
47:18– How can non-accredited investors invest in equity?
47:50– How has Adam’s experience been so far working with the regulators?
50:18– What do you think about the future of token sales?
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live.Click hereto subscribe now.
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Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture) joined us for BF Live Episode 29 to figure out what’s wrong with BF and make it all right with your help ;-). He also answered some questions from the live chat.
Some of the questions were: – How can investors get more updates? – Any comments on K.IM or ODX? – Any update on dividends? – Why do we have a bot on the BF Telegram Community? (Telegram: @BF_Token) – Why is the KYC process so strict on BF? – How can we withdraw small amounts from BF? – Will BFT shift from ETH to the Liquid Network?
We go live once a week onour YouTube channelto give you updates and answer your questions on live chat. In order to get notifications of our live broadcasts, you will need to subscribe toour YouTube channeland if you click the bell symbol it will send you an email notification every time we go live. Click hereto subscribe now.
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Simon Dixon talks Security Tokens, BF Secondary Market, Crypto Companies & more on Bloxlive.TV
Simon Dixon (CEO & Co-Founder of was invited for an interview on Bloxlive.TV to discuss the future of finance. He explained what security tokens are and why they are issued. He also announced BnkToTheFuture’s plan to launch a decentralized Securities Token Exchange.
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